ASP.NET Core: Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 3.0

By FoxLearn 11/8/2019 2:46:09 AM   3.34K
This post shows you How to Create an ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio 2019.

Opening your Visual Studio, then click create new project => Select ASP.NET Core Web Application. core 3.0

Entering your project name, then click Create button core 3.0

Selecting Web Application (Model-View-Controller), then click Change authentication core change authentication

Selecting Individual User Accounts, then click OK button core

Next, Click Create button core

Press F5 to run your project, then click register link to create a new account. core register formIf you get an error "A database operation failed while processing the request" you should click the Apply Migrations button, then press F5 to refresh your page. core a database operation failed while processing the request

If you want to update your database, you can click Tool menu => Nuget Package Manager => Package Manager Console, then enter Update-Database

Finally, Enter dotnet ef database update to update modify to your database.