How to Determine If a Browser is Running in C#

By FoxLearn 11/4/2024 2:26:04 AM   354
To check for open browser instances in C#, you can use the System.Diagnostics namespace, which provides access to the processes running on your system.

Detecting Open Browsers in C#

Import the System and System.Diagnostics namespaces.

public class BrowserDetector
    static string[] _browsers = { "chrome", "firefox", "msedge", "iexplore", "opera" };

    public static bool IsBrowserOpen()
        bool answer = false;
        foreach (var browser in _browsers)
            Process[] Processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(browser);
            if (Processes.Length <= 0)
            if (!Processes.Any(d => d.MainWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero))
            answer = true;
        return answer;

The GetProcessesByName method allows you to retrieve all processes running on the system that match a specified name.

To check for open browser instances in C#, you can verify if the length of the returned processes array is greater than zero, indicating that the browser is currently running.

This solution provides a quick and effective way to check for the presence of various browsers and verify if they have at least one active window open.