Primitive types in C#

By FoxLearn 3/25/2025 1:43:11 AM   598
In C#, primitive types are the basic types provided by the language, which represent simple values such as numbers, characters, and boolean values.

In the Common Language Runtime (CLR), the primitive types are: Boolean, Byte, SByte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, IntPtr, UIntPtr, Char, Double, and Single.

These types represent the basic data types in the CLR, and each has a corresponding C# keyword that is used to declare variables of that type.

For example, c# isprimitive type

CLR PrimitiveC# keyword

To check whether an object type is primitive in C#, you can use the Type.IsPrimitive property. This property returns true if the type is a primitive type (e.g., int, float, bool, etc.), and false if it is not.

For example, c# type isprimitive

// c# check if type is primitive
int x = 5;
// isprimitive c#
bool isPrimitive = x.GetType().IsPrimitive; // Returns true
// example c# isprimitive
bool b = typeof(decimal).IsPrimitive; // false

It's important to note that some types may appear to be primitive but are not considered primitive types in C#.

For example, types like decimal, DateTime, and string are not primitive types, even though they are commonly used and have special significance in the language.

In C#, primitive types are predefined struct (value) types. Since string is a reference type and not a value type, it is not considered a primitive type, even though it is a fundamental type in C#.

For example, while int, bool, and char are primitive types, decimal and DateTime are value types but not primitive types. Thus, being a value type does not automatically make a type primitive in C#.

In C#, decimal is an alias for System.Decimal. The Decimal type is a struct that internally consists of several primitive type fields, such as int fields.

Similarly, DateTime is a struct based on a UInt64 data field, but despite its importance in C# for handling date and time, it is not considered a primitive type.

Thus, while decimal and DateTime are value types, they are not classified as primitive types in C#.

public struct Decimal
    private int flags;
    private int hi;
    private int lo;
    private int mid;