How to Change parameter used in datatables ajax url.Action on Ajax.reload

By FoxLearn 2/8/2025 1:26:12 AM   1.35K
To change parameters used in the ajax URL of a DataTables table when using url.Action in ASP.NET MVC, you can utilize DataTables' API methods.

Specifically, you can make use of the ajax.url() method to dynamically change the URL parameters and then call ajax.reload() to reload the table with the updated parameters.

For example, datatable ajax url with parameters

// Initialize your DataTable
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    "ajax": {
        "url": '@Url.Action("YourAction", "YourController")',
        "type": "POST", // or "GET" based on your requirement
        "data": function(d) {
            // Additional data to be sent to the server
            d.customParam = $('#customParam').val(); // Example: Get the value from an input field

// Function to reload the DataTable with new parameters
// datatable ajax reload parameters
function reloadTable() {
    // Change the URL parameter dynamically
    table.ajax.url('@Url.Action("YourAction", "YourController")' + '?customParam=' + $('#customParam').val()).load();

// Example event listener to trigger reload
$('#customParam').change(function() {

In this example:

$('#customParam').change() listens for changes in an input field with the id customParam.

When the input field changes, the reloadTable() function is called.

Inside reloadTable(), the DataTable's ajax.url() method is used to dynamically update the URL with the new parameter value (customParam) obtained from the input field.

Finally, ajax.reload() is called to reload the table with the updated URL.

If you want to get url request to get data when selecting the DropDownList, you can use like this

var url = "Product/GetProductByCategoryId?categoryId=" + $('#ddlCategory option:selected').val();

Next, you can reload the table by call your jquery


Don't forget to replace "YourAction" and "YourController" with the appropriate action and controller names in your ASP.NET MVC application, and adjust the parameter names and values according to your specific requirements.

Fixing datatable ajax reload not working

If DataTable.ajax.reload() is not working as expected, there are several possible reasons why it's not updating the table data correctly.

Make sure ajax.reload() is called correctly:

When using ajax.reload(), you need to call it on the DataTable instance, and optionally pass in a callback function if needed.

table.ajax.reload(); // Reload the data

If you're passing in a URL dynamically, ensure it's done correctly:

table.ajax.url(newUrl).reload(); // Change the URL and reload

Ensure the ajax configuration is correct:

Sometimes, the issue lies in how the ajax configuration is set up. If you're passing parameters dynamically, make sure they are updated properly before reloading.

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    ajax: {
        url: '@Url.Action("GetData", "ControllerName")',
        data: function(d) {
            d.customParam = 'initialValue'; // Add custom parameter here

// datatable ajax with parameters, change the customParam and reload:
function changeParamAndReload(newParamValue) { = newParamValue;
    // ajax reload datatable
    table.ajax.reload(); // This reloads the data with the new parameter

// Call the function with a new parameter:

Using url dynamically in ajax.reload()

If you are modifying the URL and need to reload the table with a new URL, ensure you are calling table.ajax.url(newUrl).reload() to reload with a new URL.

table.ajax.url('@Url.Action("NewAction", "ControllerName")').load();

Ensure you're calling the correct method:

Ensure you're using the correct method to reload the table data. table.ajax.reload() is the method to trigger an AJAX call, but if you need to manually trigger it from a custom event, ensure that the function is being invoked properly.

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    ajax: {
        url: '@Url.Action("GetData", "ControllerName")', // Your URL
        data: function(d) {
            d.param1 = 'value'; // Your data parameters

// datatable ajax reload with new data
// update parameters and reload data
function updateAndReload() {
    // datatables ajax parameters = 'newValue'; // Update parameter
    // datatables reload
    table.ajax.reload(); // Reload with updated parameter

$('#reloadButton').on('click', function() {
    updateAndReload(); // Trigger reload on button click

Clear previous cached data:

You can clear cache or force a fresh request by setting the cache option to false in the ajax call:

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
    ajax: {
        url: '@Url.Action("GetData", "ControllerName")',
        cache: false // Disable caching