Corona Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
By FoxLearn 11/20/2024 2:17:25 PM 376
The template is well-crafted, with neatly organized components, and packed with essential features without unnecessary extras. Ideal for creating admin panels, e-commerce platforms, project management systems, content management systems, and CRM, Corona Admin provides all the capabilities needed for efficient development.
Corona - Free Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Corona Admin is a free website template that includes several useful features, such as a collapsible navigation bar, UI elements, form elements, tables, charts, dark style, authentication pages, and 404 pages. It also offers beautiful typography and clean, well-commented code, making it easy to customize. With its well-structured code, you can easily tailor the template to meet your specific needs. Start with the Corona dark admin template to create a visually stunning and functional admin dashboard.
- Bootstrap 4
- Gulp based workflow
- 100% Responsive layout
- Cross browser compatibility
- Collapsible navigation bar
- Multipage design
- On hover effects
- Different types tables
- Fixed header navigation bar
- Form elements
- Variety of charts
- Dark design
- Dropdown menu bar
- Material design icons
- Various widgets
- Easy documentation
- Fontawesome font icons
- Google fonts
You can download the Corona Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template for free on GitHub.