SB Admin Template

By FoxLearn 11/17/2024 3:17:39 AM   355
SB Admin is a free open-source admin dashboard html template built with Bootstrap 5 by Start Bootstrap.

SB Admin HTML Template

This free dashboard HTML template Bootstrap 5 offers minimal custom styling and an advanced development environment, making it an ideal starter template for creating web apps, dashboards, and admin panels. It provides a clean, flexible foundation for developers to build and customize their applications.

sb admin


  • SCSS based theme with built in scripts for compiling Pug and CSS
  • A flexbox based layout with fixed and static navigation options
  • Toggleable sidebar menu with intuitive toggled states
  • Custom panel styling
  • Interactive charts by Chart.js plugin
  • Interactive tables by dataTables plugin
  • Login, Registration, Forgot Password, 404, and Blank starter HTML pages

Download free template admin

To begin using this template, choose one of the following options to get started:

Clone the repo: git clone

You can download the SB Admin Template for free on GitHub.

To make changes, simply edit the HTML and CSS files found in the `dist` directory. These are the only files you need to focus on, and you can ignore the rest. To see your changes, just open the `index.html` file in a web browser.

Clone the theme's source files and go to the root directory. Run npm install to install dependencies, then run npm start to preview the template in your browser.

This command also watches for changes to core template files and live reloads the browser when changes are saved. Check the package.json file to see available scripts.

npm Scripts

  • npm run build builds the project - this builds assets, HTML, JS, and CSS into dist
  • npm run build:assets copies the files in the src/assets/ directory into dist
  • npm run build:pug compiles the Pug located in the src/pug/ directory into dist
  • npm run build:scripts brings the src/js/scripts.js file into dist
  • npm run build:scss compiles the SCSS files located in the src/scss/ directory into dist
  • npm run clean deletes the dist directory to prepare for rebuilding the project
  • npm run start:debug runs the project in debug mode
  • npm start or npm run start runs the project, launches a live preview in your default browser, and watches for changes made to files in src

You must have npm installed in order to use this build environment.