Toolbox Admin Responsive Tailwind CSS Admin Template

By FoxLearn 11/20/2024 2:14:26 PM   367
Toolbox Admin is a free admin dashboard template built with the latest Tailwind CSS framework.

It uses an HTML file with a CDN-hosted Tailwind CSS file and offers a variety of well-designed UI features and components. Fully responsive, it adapts to various screen sizes and is compatible with all modern browsers. This feature-rich template is ideal for quickly building dashboards and is a great choice for projects using Tailwind CSS or for learning how to design with it.

Toolbox Admin - Free Responsive Tailwind CSS Admin Template

toolbox admin responsive tailwind css admin template

Toolbox Admin offers a variety of useful features, including a search bar in the top navigation, a dropdown menu, and a sidebar that transforms into a fixed footer on small screens. It supports both vertical and horizontal layouts, as well as graphs and charts. This open-source template is highly customizable to fit your needs. Its clean and flexible structure makes it easy to design responsive web apps, custom admin panels, CRM, and CMS systems. Use this free Tailwind CSS template to create visually appealing projects.


  • Built on latest Tailwind CSS
  • HTML5
  • 100% responsive
  • Header with search bar
  • Cross browser compatibility
  • Clean and minimal design
  • On hover effects
  • Side navigation bar
  • Fixed footer navigation in small screens
  • Dropdown menu bar
  • Graphs & charts
  • Font awesome
  • Google fonts

You can download the Toolbox Admin Responsive Tailwind CSS Admin Template for free on GitHub.