Windows Forms

How to Use Form Load and Button click Event in C#
7/20/2024 3:23:53 AM  26.03K

In C#, you typically handle events like Form Load and Button Click within a Windows Forms application.

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How to Load multiple User control dynamically in C#
7/20/2024 3:23:45 AM  25.27K

Dynamically loading user controls in a C# Windows Forms Application allows you to create flexible and customizable UIs.

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How to Create a Phone Book in C#
7/20/2024 3:23:38 AM  11.84K

Creating a Phone Book, Telephone Diary application using datatable, dataset, read & write xml file in C# Windows Forms Application.

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How to Create a Digital Clock in C#
7/20/2024 2:35:37 AM  14.5K

To create a digital clock using CircularProgressBar in a C# Windows Forms Application, you'll need to use the CircularProgressBar control from the CircularProgressBar NuGet package.

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How to Create a Modern UI Login Form in C#
7/20/2024 2:34:21 AM  30.79K

Creating a modern UI login form using Metro Framework in a C# Windows Forms Application involves using Metro controls to achieve a sleek and modern look.

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How to Create a Metro Splash Screen in C#
7/20/2024 2:34:14 AM  9.41K

To create a Metro splash screen with a Metro progress bar using Metro Framework in a C# Windows Forms Application, you'll need to follow these steps.

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How to Create a Metro TextBox in C#
7/20/2024 2:34:08 AM  22.27K

To create a Metro TextBox using the Metro Framework (MetroModernUI) in a C# Windows Forms application, follow these steps.

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How to use Aero Wizard in C#
7/20/2024 2:33:34 AM  10.15K

The Aero Wizard control in C# Windows Forms applications provides an easy way to create wizard-like interfaces where users can navigate through a series of steps.

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How to use Advanced Filter DataGridView in C#
7/20/2024 2:33:00 AM  23.69K

Filtering a DataGridView by columns in C# using the Advanced DataGridView control involves several steps including setting up the control, handling user input for filtering, and applying filters dynamically.

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How to Minimize application to system tray in C#
7/20/2024 2:31:24 AM  14.92K

Minimizing an application to the system tray in a C# Windows Forms application involves a few steps.

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