How to search text in RichEditControl

By FoxLearn 12/24/2024 3:54:54 AM   180
To search for text in a RichEditControl in DevExpress, you can use the RichEditControl.Document.StartSearch method.

DevExpress provides a flexible way to handle text searching in the RichEditControl via the StartSearch method and the ISearchResult interface, which offers a rich set of options to customize the search.

If you want to perform manual searches within a word file displayed in the RichEditControl, you can use the StartSearch method.

How to find a text in RichEditControl?

For example:

private void btnSearch_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
    string searchText = "Test";  // Define the search term
    ISearchResult searchResult = richEditControl1.Document.StartSearch(searchText);  // Start searching

    if (searchResult != null)
        // Loop through all found results
        while (searchResult.FindNext())
            // Begin updating the character properties for the current search result
            CharacterProperties cp = richEditControl1.Document.BeginUpdateCharacters(searchResult.CurrentResult);

            // Apply the formatting changes
            cp.Bold = true;
            cp.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
            cp.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
            cp.Underline = UnderlineType.ThickSingle;

            // End the update and apply the changes to the document
        // Handle the case where the search result is null
        XtraMessageBox.Show("No matches found for '" + searchText + "'.", "Message", MessageButton.OK, MessageIcon.Error);

How to scroll the first RichEditControl to the position of the searched text?

For example:

// Search, Navigate to text in richeditcontrol
public void Search(string searchText)
    // Start the search with whole word option and forward direction
    ISearchResult searchResult = richEditControl.Document.StartSearch(searchText, SearchOptions.WholeWord, SearchDirection.Forward);
    // Check if a match is found
    if (searchResult.FindNext())
        // Move the caret to the start of the found text
        richEditControl.Document.CaretPosition = searchResult.CurrentResult.Start;
        // Scroll to the caret position (0 is the margin in pixels)
        // No match found
        XtraMessageBox.Show("Text not found.", "Message", MessageButton.OK, MessageIcon.Error);

The StartSearch method starts the search with the given text (searchValue) and applies the specified search options. You can combine multiple search options using the bitwise OR operator (|).

SearchOptions.WholeWord | SearchOptions.CaseSensitive

The FindNext() method is called to find the next occurrence of the search term. If a match is found, it returns true; otherwise, false.

Once a match is found, the Selection property of the RichEditControl.Document is used to select the found text, making it easier to highlight it for the user.

 // Move caret to the start of the found text
richEditControl.Document.CaretPosition = searchResult.CurrentResult.Start;
// Select the found text
richEditControl.Document.Selection = searchResult.CurrentResult;

// Scroll to the caret position (0 is the margin in pixels)

After the caret is placed at the start of the found text, the ScrollToCaret(0) method is called to ensure the found text is visible to the user. The 0 argument represents the top margin, in pixels, that should be applied when scrolling.

By using the StartSearch, FindNext, and SearchOptions methods in the DevExpress.RichEditControl API, you can easily implement a custom search feature for your Word files, offering full control over the search behavior.