How To
Redirect() vs RedirectPermanent() in ASP.NET MVC
12/13/2024 12:43:57 PM 185
In ASP.NET MVC, Redirect() and RedirectPermanent() are both used to send a redirection response to the client, but they differ in the HTTP status codes they return.
How to 301 redirect in ASP.NET
12/13/2024 7:11:45 AM 239
In ASP.NET, you can perform a 301 redirect (permanent redirect) by using the Response.Redirect method with the endResponse parameter set to false or by modifying the HTTP status code directly.
How to Change the Cursor to a Wait Cursor in C#
12/12/2024 9:58:34 AM 172
To change the cursor to a wait cursor in a C# application, you can use the Cursor.Current property or Cursor class methods available in Windows Forms or WPF.
How to download Windows ISO file
12/12/2024 8:26:40 AM 331
To download a Windows ISO file, follow these steps.
Resolving the "Command 'dotnet ef' Not Found" Issue When Creating Migrations
12/12/2024 7:27:27 AM 130
This guide will walk you through resolving the error when trying to create an Entity Framework Core (EF Core) migration and encountering issues like missing dotnet ef commands or version mismatches.
12/12/2024 4:15:56 AM 115
The DBCC CHECKIDENT command in SQL Server is used to check the current identity value of a table and, optionally, to reset the seed value of an identity column.
How to use LINQ to Entities Queries in Entity Framework
12/12/2024 1:09:12 AM 330
LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a powerful feature in C# that allows you to query various data sources, including Entity Framework (EF) data contexts.
How to get index of element in array C# LINQ
12/12/2024 1:09:05 AM 273
To get the index of an element in an array using LINQ in C#, you can use the Select method along with Where to find the index.
Using LINQ's Distinct() on a Specific Property
12/12/2024 1:08:53 AM 150
Here's an example of how to use LINQ's Distinct() method to filter unique values based on a particular property.
Difference Between Select and SelectMany in LINQ
12/12/2024 1:08:46 AM 88
In LINQ, Select and SelectMany are both used to project elements from a collection, but they behave differently, especially when dealing with nested collections or sequences.
Group by in LINQ
12/12/2024 1:08:41 AM 72
In LINQ, the GroupBy method is used to group elements of a collection based on a specified key.
Using LINQ to Query DataTables
12/12/2024 1:08:13 AM 129
To perform LINQ queries on a DataTable in C#, you first need to ensure that you are working with LINQ to DataSet, which allows you to query DataTable objects using LINQ syntax.