Connection string mysql

By FoxLearn 11/18/2024 6:24:29 AM   28
A MySQL connection string typically contains information about the server, database, user credentials, and other connection options.

MySQL Connector .Net

The MySQL Connector/Net is a .NET driver that allows you to connect to a MySQL database from C# or other .NET-based applications.

Standard connection string mysql


Specifying TCP port connection string mysql



  • myUsername: The MySQL user you're logging in as (e.g., root).
  • myPassword: The password for the given MySQL user.
  • myServerAddress: The address of the MySQL server (e.g., localhost, an IP address, or a domain name).
  • myPort: The port on which MySQL is running (default is 3306).
  • myDataBase: The name of the database you wish to connect to.

Localhost Connection string mysql (default port 3306)


Remote Server connection string mysql (with custom port)


Multiple servers

Use this to connect to a server in a replicated server configuration without concern on which server to use.


Using encryption

Use SSL if the server supports it, but allow connection in all cases


SSL with a file-based certificate

Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;SSL Mode=Required;CertificateFile=C:\folder\client.pfx;CertificatePassword=pass;

SSL with a personal store-based certificate

Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;SSL Mode=Required;Certificate Store Location=CurrentUser;

SslMode: Controls SSL/TLS encryption for secure connections. Possible values are:

  • None (no SSL)
  • Preferred (use SSL if available)
  • Required (use SSL, otherwise fail)
  • VerifyCA (verify the certificate authority)
  • VerifyFull (verify the certificate and the host name)

Connection Pooling

By default, MySQL Connector/NET uses connection pooling. You can disable it or adjust the pool size.


How to use the Connection String in C#?

string con = "Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword;Connection Timeout=30;";
    using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(con))
        //Connection successful, perform database operations here
catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;

When connecting to a MySQL database in a C# application, ensure that the connection string matches the configuration of your MySQL server and includes all required authentication and connection options for your use case.