Windows Forms

How to Connect to MS Access Database in C#
7/18/2024 3:36:08 AM  15.67K

To connect to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb or .accdb file) in a C# Windows Forms Application, you can use the OleDbConnection class from the System.Data.OleDb namespace.

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How to Create QR Code in RDLC Report in C#
7/18/2024 3:34:58 AM  8.18K

Creating a QR code report using RDLC (Report Definition Language Client-side) in a C# Windows Forms application involves a few steps.

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How to run Script Windows Power Shell in C#
7/18/2024 3:30:36 AM  3.12K

To run a PowerShell script from a C# Windows Forms Application, you can use the System.Management.Automation class to execute PowerShell.exe and pass the argument.

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How to Open and Read Excel Files in C#
7/18/2024 3:28:14 AM  14.83K

To open and read Excel files in a C# Windows Forms Application using ExcelDataReader and ExcelDataReader.DataSet, follow these steps.

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How to Open and Read Excel Files in VB.NET
7/18/2024 3:26:25 AM  26.5K

To open and read Excel files using ExcelDataReader, ExcelDataReader.DataSet in VB.NET Windows Forms Application, you need to follow these steps

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How to Zip file folder in C#
7/17/2024 4:24:23 AM  9.14K

To compress or zip files, folders using DotNetZip and display a progress bar in a C# Windows Forms application, follow these steps.

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How to Upload and Display Image In PictureBox Using C#
7/17/2024 4:22:34 AM  9.59K

To upload and display an image in a PictureBox control in a C# Windows Forms Application, you can follow these steps.

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How to Upload Image to Server in C#
7/17/2024 4:22:06 AM  12.51K

To upload an image to a web server in a C# Windows Forms application, you can use the HttpClient class or RestSharp to send a POST request with the image data as a multipart form data.

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How to Hide and Show desktop icons in C#
7/17/2024 4:20:34 AM  8.75K

To hide and show desktop icons programmatically in a C# Windows Forms Application, you'll need to manipulate the Windows Shell through interop services.

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How to Custom color of Progress Bar in C#
7/17/2024 4:18:52 AM  9.76K

To create a custom background color for a progress bar in C#, you can create a CustomProgressBar class inherit from the ProgressBar control, then override the OnPaint method as shown below.

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