
Windows Forms: Metro Modern Flat UI Dashboard winform Design in C#
6/8/2017 7:14:59 PM  36.54K

Create Metro Modern Flat UI Dashboard using Metro Framework, Modern UI in C#

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Windows Forms: How to create a Chart / Graph using RDLC Report in C#
6/6/2017 9:52:38 PM  11.93K

How to create a RDLC Chart/Graph using Microsoft Report Viewer in C#

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Windows Forms: How to Link Chart /Graph with Database in C#
6/6/2017 9:15:06 PM  15.62K

How to Link Chart/Graph with Local Database in C# using DataBinding

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Windows Forms: Multiple pages on the Form using Panel control in C#
6/5/2017 9:19:39 PM  18.6K

How to Create multiple pages on the Form using Panel control in C#

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Windows Forms: How to insert Math Equation to RichTextBox in C#
6/5/2017 9:11:58 PM  9.1K

How to insert Math Equation or MathType to RichTextBox in C#.

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Windows Forms: Create CPU & Memory Monitor using Metro Modern UI in C#
6/3/2017 6:12:34 PM  7.96K

How to Create CPU & Memory Monitor in C# using Metro Framework, Modern UI.

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Windows Forms: Live Charts in C#
6/3/2017 5:56:22 PM  15.48K

Live Charts are Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful data visualization for .Net. It's just data visualization but built and for everyone

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Windows Forms: How to make a Notepad in C#
6/2/2017 10:31:55 PM  7.2K

How to Make a simple Notepad in C# Windows Form Application using MenuStrip, OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, StreamReader, StreamWriter, TextBox, Button and Label

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Windows Forms: Send and Receive email in Microsoft Outlook using C#
6/2/2017 10:26:40 PM  13.04K

How to send and receive email in Microsoft Outlook using C#

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Windows Forms: How to Encrypt and Decrypt a String in C#
6/2/2017 7:50:09 PM  7.19K

Encrypt/Decrypt string or password using Eramake.eCryptography library in C#

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