Understanding Select and SelectMany in C#

By FoxLearn 1/15/2025 9:30:51 AM   129
In C#, Select and SelectMany are both LINQ (Language Integrated Query) methods that are used to project or transform elements in a collection.

They are used to extract or flatten data from a collection, but they behave differently depending on the kind of transformation you're performing.

Select Method

The Select method in LINQ is used to project each element of a sequence into a new form. It allows you to transform the elements of a collection based on a provided function.

For example, Using Select to Extract First Letters

public void SelectMethod()
    var words = new List<string> { "apple", "banana", "cherry", "date" };
    var firstLetters = words.Select(word => word[0]);

    foreach (var letter in firstLetters)

In this example, the Select method takes each word in the list and extracts the first letter. The output will be:


Here, Select is transforming each string in the list into its first character, resulting in a new collection of the first letters.

SelectMany Method

The SelectMany method projects each element of a sequence to an IEnumerable<T> and flattens the resulting sequences into a single sequence. This method is particularly useful when working with collections of collections, such as lists within lists.

For example, Using SelectMany to Flatten List of Words

public void SelectManyMethod()
    var sentences = new List<List<string>>
        new List<string> { "The", "quick", "brown", "fox" },
        new List<string> { "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog" }
    var words = sentences.SelectMany(sentence => sentence);

    foreach (var word in words)

In this example, SelectMany is used to flatten a list of sentences (where each sentence is a list of words) into a single sequence of words.

The output will be:


Here, SelectMany flattens the List<List<string>> into a single list of words.

Differences Between Select and SelectMany

  • Select: Transforms each element in a collection into a new form, and returns a new sequence containing those transformed elements.
  • SelectMany: Projects each element into an IEnumerable<T>, and then flattens all the resulting sequences into one sequence.

Both methods are essential tools in LINQ, enabling you to manipulate and query data effectively in C#.