How To

How to create Message Box in Python
10/22/2024 9:17:53 AM  68

Creating a message box in Python can be done easily using libraries like tkinter, which is included in the standard library.

How to download file from url in PowerShell
10/22/2024 9:15:48 AM  88

You can download a file from a URL using PowerShell with the Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod cmdlets.

JDBC sqlserver connection string
10/22/2024 9:04:05 AM  122

To connect to a SQL Server database using JDBC, you can use the following connection string format.

How to get selected option in JQuery
10/17/2024 9:10:58 AM  77

To get the selected option from a dropdown using jQuery, you can use the :selected selector or the .val() method.

How to get excel sheet in C#
10/10/2024 6:52:55 AM  127

To read an Excel sheet in C# using OleDbConnection, you can follow these steps.

How to kill process by name in C#
10/10/2024 4:04:23 AM  123

To kill a process by name in C#, you can use the System.Diagnostics namespace, which provides the Process class.

How to convert datetime to date (with time set to 00:00:00.000) in SQL
10/7/2024 9:21:02 AM  103

To convert a DATETIME value to a DATE only (with the time set to 00:00:00.000) in SQL, you can use various functions depending on the SQL database you are using.

How to set time to 00:00:00 with GETDATE() in SQL
10/7/2024 9:18:40 AM  262

In SQL Server, if you want to set the time part of the current date to 00:00:00 while using GETDATE(), you can use the CAST or CONVERT function to strip the time portion.

How to get data attribute JavaScript
10/4/2024 1:40:11 AM  121

To get a data attribute in JavaScript, you can use the dataset property of an HTML element.

How to use string interpolation in PowerShell
10/3/2024 2:08:26 AM  228

In PowerShell, string interpolation is a convenient way to embed variables and expressions within strings.

Calling powershell script from batch file
10/1/2024 9:45:02 AM  149

To call a PowerShell script from a batch file, you can use the powershell.exe command followed by the -File parameter.

Example PowerShell Scripts for Common Administrative Tasks
10/1/2024 3:21:08 AM  78

Here are some example PowerShell scripts for common administrative tasks.