How To

How to copy a file in C#
6/15/2024 4:39:48 AM  41

Copying files in C# is simple thanks to the System.IO namespace, which provides methods to perform various operations on files.

The name 'Session' does not exist in the current context
6/13/2024 8:34:39 AM  60

How to fix 'The name 'Session' does not exist in the current context' in ASP.NET Core.

How to add background image in css
6/13/2024 1:14:45 AM  96

To add a background image in css, you can use the background-image property.

How to replace a file in C#
6/12/2024 3:47:54 AM  45

Replacing a file in C# can be done using the System.IO namespace, which provides classes for working with files and directories.

How to Download Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2022
6/11/2024 10:01:55 AM  286

Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2022 was released on May 20, 2022. The Developer Edition is a 64-bit installer, it will not work if your operating system is 32-bit.

How to fix 'DbContextOptionsBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'UseSqlServer'
6/11/2024 9:01:52 AM  148

How to fix 'DbContextOptionsBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'UseSqlServer' and no accessible extension method 'UseSqlServer'.

How to move a file in C#
6/11/2024 2:18:38 AM  43

In C#, you can move a file from one location to another using the System.IO namespace, which provides classes for working with files and directories.

How to delete a file in C#
6/11/2024 2:09:11 AM  38

In C#, you can delete a file using the File.Delete() method from the System.IO namespace.

How to decrypt a file in C#
6/11/2024 1:50:35 AM  40

In C#, you can encrypt and decrypt a file using the FileInfo class from the System.IO namespace.

How to use File.OpenWrite in C#
6/11/2024 1:49:29 AM  67

In C#, the File.OpenWrite method is used to open an existing file or create a new file for writing.

How to fix Using 'UseMvc' to configure MVC is not supported while using Endpoint Routing
6/10/2024 8:55:26 AM  144

How to solve the problem Using 'UseMvc' to configure MVC is not supported while using Endpoint Routing when changing ASP.NET Core 2.2 to 3.0

How to Increase upload file size in ASP.NET Core
6/10/2024 8:50:17 AM  51

To increase the upload file size in ASP.NET Core, you typically need to adjust settings in both your application code and your server configuration.