How To

How to convert string into Secure string in C#
7/6/2024 3:56:17 AM  51

A SecureString in C# is designed to securely store confidential information such as passwords and PIN codes. It ensures that sensitive data is encrypted and remains protected in memory.

How to retrieve GPU, Hard Drive, Processor, OS, Printers, Network Information in C#
7/6/2024 3:06:30 AM  56

In C#, you can retrieve various system information such as GPU, Hard Drive, Processor, OS using System.Management namespace.

How to Download Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2015 & 2017
7/6/2024 3:03:09 AM  230

The Crystal Reports for Visual Studio is now known as Crystal Reports Developer Edition for Visual Studio.

How to run powershell commands in C#
7/6/2024 3:01:11 AM  174

You can run PowerShell commands in c# by using the System.Management.Automation namespace, which provides classes for interacting with PowerShell from managed code.

How to Minify HTML using WebMarkupMin in ASP.NET Core
7/4/2024 9:25:42 AM  135

Minifying HTML in ASP.NET Core MVC using WebMarkupMin involves a few steps.

How to Minify HTML using WebMarkupMin in ASP.NET MVC
7/4/2024 9:18:42 AM  90

Minifying HTML at runtime in ASP.NET MVC using WebMarkupMin to make your web page load faster involves a few steps.

How to Minify HTML output from ASP.NET MVC
7/4/2024 9:09:48 AM  111

Minifying html in an ASP.NET helps your website load faster because it minimizes resource downloads.

How to read and write data from a CSV file in C#
7/4/2024 8:06:07 AM  52

To read and write data from a CSV file in C#, you can use the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes from the System.IO namespace.

How to retrieve the Executable Path in C#
7/3/2024 9:30:22 AM  54

In C#, you can retrieve the executable path of the current application using the System.Reflection namespace.

How to disable internet protocol version 6
7/3/2024 9:12:02 AM  23

To disable internet protocol version 6 on Windows you can do the following step.

How to determine whether application has administrator rights in C#
7/3/2024 8:05:47 AM  49

In C#, you can determine whether your application has administrator rights using the following method.

How to use event delegation in jQuery
7/3/2024 6:26:04 AM  41

Event delegation in jQuery refers to the practice of using a single event listener to manage events for multiple elements that share a common parent.