How To

How to disable printing in Cefsharp
6/29/2024 2:43:42 AM  57

To disable printing in CefSharp, which is a .NET wrapper around the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF), you typically need to modify the settings of the CefSettings object when initializing CefSharp in your application.

How to disable the SameSite Cookies policy in Cefsharp
6/29/2024 2:17:06 AM  39

To disable the SameSite Cookies policy in CefSharp, you typically need to adjust the underlying Chromium settings.

How to retrieve the Downloads Directory Path in C#
6/27/2024 9:30:55 AM  75

In C#, you can retrieve the path to the user's Downloads directory using the Environment class and the SpecialFolder enumeration.

How to Append a file in C#
6/25/2024 3:44:22 AM  53

Appending data to a file in C# can be done using various methods provided by the .NET framework.

How to fix 'IMvcBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'AddNewtonsoftJson'
6/21/2024 6:59:11 AM  270

The error message suggests that the IMvcBuilder interface doesn't have a method or extension method called AddNewtonsoftJson.

Connection string password with special characters in C#
6/21/2024 2:16:41 AM  65

When you create a connection string in C# that includes a password with special characters, it's important to properly format and escape those characters to ensure the connection string is interpreted correctly.

How to include special characters in connection string
6/21/2024 1:50:54 AM  314

How to include special characters in web.config file?

How to Generate QR Code in RDLC Report using C#
6/20/2024 7:05:08 AM  155

Generating QR codes in RDLC reports within a C# Windows Forms Application involves a few steps.

How to Download SQL Server Reporting Services
6/18/2024 9:13:35 AM  37

To download SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), you can download it from the Microsoft Download Center website or directly below.

How to get sql version
6/18/2024 8:38:17 AM  45

To retrieve the SQL Server version, you can use different methods depending on whether you have direct access to the SQL Server instance or if you are querying it remotely.

How to insert data into table sql
6/18/2024 8:15:16 AM  34

To insert data into a table in SQL, you typically use the INSERT INTO statement.

How to fix System.InvalidOperationException: Scheme already exists: Identity.Application
6/17/2024 7:03:02 AM  307

How to solve System.InvalidOperationException: 'Scheme already exists: Identity.Application' after identity scaffolding in ASP.NET Core.