Windows Forms: How to make a Calculator in C#

This post shows you How to create a simple calculator in c# windows application.

Open Visual Studio and create a new C# Windows Forms Application project.

Open your form desginer, then drag and drop the necessary controls (buttons, text box) from the Visual Studio toolbox onto the form. You can design a simple calculator as shown below.

c# calculator

How to create a simple calculator in C# WinForms

Next, Add code to handle your calculator form as the following c# code.

// c# variables to store operands and operator
double value;
string coperator;
bool check;

Create the PNumber method allows you to display the numeric value that you enter in the TextBox control.

//Handle number button
private void PNumber(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if ((coperator == "+") || (coperator == "-") || (coperator == "*") || (coperator == "/"))
        if (check)
            check = false;
            txtResult.Text = "0";
    Button b = sender as Button;
    if (txtResult.Text == "0")
        txtResult.Text = b.Text;
        txtResult.Text += b.Text;

Create the POperator method allows you to convert text to numeric.

//Handle operator button
private void POperator(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button b = sender as Button;
    //Convert text to number
    value = double.Parse(txtResult.Text);
    coperator = b.Text;
    txtResult.Text += b.Text;
    check = true;

Double-click on the Equal button to generate click event handlers. In the event handlers, write code to handle button clicks and perform calculations based on the user input.

// c# method to handle equals button
private void button20_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        switch (coperator)
            case "+":
                txtResult.Text = (value + double.Parse(txtResult.Text)).ToString();
            case "-":
                txtResult.Text = (value - double.Parse(txtResult.Text)).ToString();
            case "*":
                txtResult.Text = (value * double.Parse(txtResult.Text)).ToString();
            case "/":
                txtResult.Text = (value / double.Parse(txtResult.Text)).ToString();
    catch (Exception ex)
        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

Add the button click event handler to the C button allows you to reset the result value to zero.

private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    txtResult.Text = "0";

Add the button click event handler to the CE button allows you to clear memory and reset the result value to zero.

//Clear memory
private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    txtResult.Text = "0";
    value = 0;

This is only a simple calculator that helps you perform some calculations. The application built is designed to emulate the windows calculator and is done in c# .net