How To
Deep Copy of Object in C#
12/2/2024 8:05:29 AM 185
In C#, a deep copy of an object means creating a new instance of the object, along with all objects referenced by it, so that changes to the copy do not affect the original object, and vice versa.
How to Catch Multiple Exceptions in C#
12/2/2024 7:49:01 AM 150
In C#, you can catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block by using a few different approaches.
How to cast int to enum in C#
12/2/2024 7:37:57 AM 98
In C#, you can cast an integer to an enum by using the Enum.ToObject method or by performing a direct cast if you know the integer corresponds to a valid value of the enum.
What is the difference between String and string in C#?
12/2/2024 7:24:10 AM 113
In C#, `string` is an alias for `System.String`, meaning there is no technical difference between the two, similar to how `int` is an alias for `System.Int32`.
How to use Image ComboBox Edit in C#
12/1/2024 4:43:31 AM 7.09K
To use an Image ComboBox Edit in C# with DevExpress, you need to work with the ImageComboBoxEdit control.
How to implement keyboard shortcuts in a Windows Forms application
11/29/2024 9:11:04 AM 184
Implementing keyboard shortcuts in a Windows Forms application is fairly straightforward.
How to fix 'DbContextOptionsBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'UseSqlServer'
11/28/2024 12:34:35 PM 893
How to fix 'DbContextOptionsBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'UseSqlServer' and no accessible extension method 'UseSqlServer'.
How to fix Can't find Request.GetOwinContext in Web API
11/27/2024 2:44:09 PM 656
In ASP.NET Web API, Request.GetOwinContext() is often used to access the OWIN context, but if you're encountering an issue where it can't be found, it's likely because either the required namespaces or NuGet packages are missing.
How to fix Can't use Server.MapPath in ASP.NET MVC
11/27/2024 1:56:48 PM 731
Server.MapPath returns the physical file path corresponding to the specified virtual path
How to use Web API JWT Token
11/27/2024 1:52:59 PM 325
Generating a JWT (JSON Web Token) in ASP.NET Core using C# involves creating a token that contains claims and signing it with a secure key.
How to Convert Unix Timestamp to DateTime in C#
11/27/2024 1:43:54 PM 967
In .NET, you can easily convert Unix timestamps to DateTime objects by using DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds method.
How to use Generic Repository Pattern in C#
11/27/2024 1:30:57 PM 396
The Generic Repository Pattern is a design pattern that abstracts the data access logic in an application.