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Encrypt and Decrypt data using RSA in C#
7/19/2024 2:44:24 AM  18.79K

Encrypting and decrypting strings using the RSA algorithm in a C# Windows Forms Application involves generating RSA key pairs, encrypting the data with the public key, and decrypting it with the private key.

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How to Create a Youtube Search in C#
7/19/2024 2:42:21 AM  7.56K

To create a YouTube search functionality in a C# Windows Forms Application using the YouTube Data API, you'll need to perform the following steps.

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How to download multiple files in C# using Parallel
7/19/2024 2:41:00 AM  7.83K

Downloading multiple files in parallel in a C# Windows Forms Application can be efficiently achieved using asynchronous programming techniques along with Task and HttpClient.

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How to use TagListControl in C#
7/19/2024 2:37:06 AM  11.08K

To create a tag using FerretLib.WinForms in C# Windows Forms, you can follow these steps.

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Serial Communication in C#
7/19/2024 2:33:32 AM  19.87K

Using Serial Communication in C# Windows Forms Application allows you to select the ports, then send and receive data. Finally display the results in a TextBox control.

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How to use webcam in C#
7/19/2024 2:31:58 AM  30.9K

To integrate a webcam into a C# Windows Forms Application using AForge.NET framework, you can follow these steps.

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How to Decompile .NET DLL to Source Code using Reflector
7/19/2024 2:31:15 AM  10.37K

o decompile a .NET DLL to C# source code using Reflector, you can follow these steps.

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How to use Error Provider in C#
7/19/2024 2:30:30 AM  18.59K

Using Error Provider in C# Windows Forms Application to Display Error Icons for Form validation.

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How to Create a Splash Screen in C#
7/19/2024 2:29:36 AM  21.54K

Creating a splash screen in a C# Windows Forms application involves creating a separate form that will be displayed for a short duration when the application starts.

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How to Monitor data change using SqlDependency in C#
7/19/2024 2:28:30 AM  15.45K

To detect changes in a SQL Server database using SqlDependency in a C# Windows Forms Application, you need to follow these steps.

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How to Generate QR Code with Logo in C#
7/19/2024 2:26:19 AM  21.73K

You can generate a QR code with a logo using the ZXing.Net library in a C# Windows Forms Application by following these steps.

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How to Drag and Drop text files into a RichTextBox in C#
7/19/2024 2:25:55 AM  8.89K

In C#, you can easily enable drag-and-drop functionality for a RichTextBox control by handling the appropriate events and setting the AllowDrop property to true.

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