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How to create a Barcode Scanner using Webcam in C#
7/19/2024 2:25:03 AM  17.78K

Creating a barcode scanner using a webcam in a C# Windows Forms application involves several steps, primarily involving the use of a barcode scanning library and accessing the webcam feed.

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How to Create a System tray Notification in C#
7/19/2024 2:24:10 AM  8.28K

To create a system tray application in C# using the NotifyIcon control, how to minimize your application to the system tray, display a balloon tip with custom title and description, and ensure proper handling of application exit.

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How to Drag and Drop controls in C#
7/19/2024 2:23:46 AM  6.34K

To enable drag and drop functionality for controls in a C# application using the Control.Draggable library, you need to follow these steps.

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How to Create Effect Winform using AnimateWindow in C#
7/19/2024 2:22:36 AM  7.08K

To create an effect in a WinForm using AnimateWindow in C#, you can follow these steps.

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How to Read Excel file in C# using OleDb
7/19/2024 2:21:01 AM  9.45K

To read an Excel file in C# without using Interop and to get Excel sheet names using OleDb provider, you can follow these steps.

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How to Read Excel file in C#
7/19/2024 2:19:50 AM  9.84K

Reading an Excel file in a C# Windows Forms Application using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll involves a few steps.

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.NET Core Windows Forms Designer
7/19/2024 2:19:00 AM  12K

To enable the designer for Windows Forms Application using .NET Core 3.0 in Visual Studio 2019, you should download and install the Windows Forms .NET Core Designer VSIX package.

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Getting Started with LiteDB database in C#
7/19/2024 2:18:38 AM  12.87K

Using LiteDB, a NoSQL database for .NET, in C# is straightforward and involves a few basic steps to get started.

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How to Drag and drop image from one PictureBox to another PictureBox in C#
7/19/2024 2:16:47 AM  10.18K

To implement drag and drop functionality between two PictureBox controls in a C# Windows Forms Application, you can follow these steps.

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How to Download files with FTP in C#
7/19/2024 2:16:19 AM  10.27K

You can download files from an FTP server in a C# Windows Forms Application using the WebRequest class.

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How to Autocomplete RichTextBox in C#
7/19/2024 2:15:50 AM  9.13K

To implement AutoComplete with a RichTextBox using the Autocomplete Menu library in a C# Windows Forms Application, you can follow these steps.

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How to Convert an image into grayscale in C#
7/19/2024 2:14:35 AM  8.38K

You can convert an image to grayscale in a C# Windows Forms Application using the Bitmap class.

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