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How to install MySQL on Windows 10
5/26/2017 10:05:49 PM  3.64K

How to Download and Install MySQL, Workbench on Windows 10 step by step

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Windows Forms: Metro Web Browser with Tabs in C#
5/26/2017 10:04:17 PM  6.88K

Create Metro Web Browser with Tabs in C# using Metro Framework, Modern UI

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Windows Forms: Print Receipt using Report Viewer in C#
5/26/2017 10:01:36 PM  21.47K

Create receipt report, passing parameters, print RDLC report in C#

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How to Download and Install Redis on Windows 10
5/26/2017 9:34:54 PM  4.13K

How to download and install redis on windows 8/10. A short and simple video demonstrating how to quickly install Redis on Windows 10

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Windows Forms: Insert Update Delete and View data in Redis using C#
5/26/2017 9:31:53 PM  7.54K

How to Insert Update Delete and View data in C# using Metro Framework, Modern UI, ServiceStack.Redis

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Windows Forms: Metro Wait Form in C#
5/26/2017 9:00:38 PM  4.86K

Create Metro WaitForm Dialog in C# using Metro Framework, Modern UI

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Windows Forms: Multiple Color In RichTextBox in C#
5/24/2017 9:08:09 PM  4.65K

How to Use Multiple Color in RichTextBox using C#

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Windows Forms: How to read an excel (.xls/.xlsx) file in C#
5/24/2017 8:59:35 PM  6.37K

How to read an excel (*.xls/.xlsx) file in C# using ExcelDataReader, lightweight and fast library written in C# for reading Microsoft Excel files ('97-2007)

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Windows Forms: How to Create a License Key in C# Part 1
5/24/2017 3:22:44 PM  65.3K

Create License key, Serial Key Maker, Generate Product Key, Validate a software License Key in C#

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Windows Forms: How to Encode and Decode QR Code in C#
5/23/2017 10:03:43 PM  12.79K

How to Encode and Decode QR Code using MessagingToolkit.QRCode in C#

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Windows Forms: Generate Barcode & QR Code in C#
5/23/2017 9:53:07 PM  8.23K

How to Generate Barcode, QR Code in C# using Zen Barcode. This is simply a dump of to a nuget package

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Windows Forms: Printing Text example in a Windows Form using C#
5/23/2017 9:07:55 PM  12.57K

Printing Text example in a Windows Form using C#

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