How To

How to setup a webapi controller for multipart/form-data
2/16/2024 7:42:48 AM  148

If you uploaded file through webapi in angularjs and encountered the following error: ExceptionMessage=No MediaTypeFormatter is available to read an object of type ‘HttpPostedFileBase’ from content with media type 'multipart/form-data'.

How to fix SPA AngularJS with ASP.NET MVC lose layout on refresh page
2/16/2024 7:41:49 AM  116

This post shows you how to fix the lost page layout when refreshing your page in ASP.NET MVC using AngularJS.

How To Implement Toaster In AngularJS
2/16/2024 7:39:06 AM  126

This post shows you how to show a notification using toaster in AngularJS.

How to fix AngularJs minify Error: [$injector:unpr]
2/16/2024 7:26:25 AM  160

This post show you how to fix AngularJs minify Error: [$injector:unpr]

How to upload file using AngularJS
2/16/2024 7:20:11 AM  138

This post shows you how to upload a file in AngularJS with ASP.NET Web API.

How to get all table names of a particular database using TSQL
2/16/2024 4:51:23 AM  150

This example shows you the best way to get the names of all of the tables in a specific database on SQL Server or My SQL

How to use ROW_NUMBER Function in SQL Server
2/16/2024 4:45:20 AM  146

This post show you how to use ROW_NUMBER Function in SQL Server.

How to fix 'The transaction log for the database is null due to OLDEST_PAGE'
2/16/2024 4:36:25 AM  176

This post show you how to fix 'The transaction log for the database is null due to 'OLDEST_PAGE' in SQL Server.

How to fix 'The transaction log for the database is full due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'
2/16/2024 4:34:01 AM  200

This post show you how to fix 'The transaction log for database 'x' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION' in SQL Server.

How to fix 'NonComVisibleBaseClass was detected'
2/15/2024 4:21:21 AM  176

How to fix "NonComVisibleBaseClass was detected" in Visual Studio

How to fix 'Couldn't process file resx due to its being in the Internet'
2/15/2024 4:20:52 AM  286

If you have problems debugging in Visual studio. Debugging process has not started and shows error message like

How to create a simple progress bars in Python
2/12/2024 2:52:31 AM  149

How to create a simple progress bars in Python using tqdm library