How To

EF Core - Creating a Composite Primary Key
2/6/2025 7:30:34 AM  37

A composite primary key consists of two or more columns that together serve as the primary key for a table.

C# LINQ Performance Optimization
2/6/2025 3:30:15 AM  25

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a highly effective feature in C# that streamlines complex data manipulations and queries.

LINQ Extension Methods in C#
2/6/2025 3:13:57 AM  27

This article explores LINQ (Language Integrated Query) extension methods in C#.

Tuples in C#
2/6/2025 2:42:41 AM  54

This guide introduces Tuples in C#, offering an exploration of their key features and uses. It aims to provide a thorough understanding of Tuples, highlighting their significance as a versatile and powerful data structure in C#.

String to Byte Array Conversion in C#
2/5/2025 9:49:40 AM  154

This tutorial will explore how to convert strings to byte arrays and vice versa in C#.

How to Trim a UTF-8 string to the specified number of bytes in C#
2/5/2025 9:37:57 AM  88

To trim a UTF-8 string to a specified number of bytes in C#, you need to account for the fact that characters in UTF-8 encoding can vary in size, ranging from 1 to 4 bytes.

How to Save a list of strings to a file in C#
2/5/2025 9:30:18 AM  67

The simplest way to save a list of integers to a file is by using File.WriteAllLines().

How to Convert string list to int list in C#
2/5/2025 9:26:24 AM  95

To convert a list of strings to a list of integers in C#, you can use several approaches.

How to Convert string list to float list in C#
2/5/2025 9:21:11 AM  96

You can convert a list of strings to a list of floating-point numbers using float.Parse() on all the strings.

How to Remove a list of characters from a string in C#
2/5/2025 9:14:48 AM  108

When you want to remove a list of characters from a string, you can loop through the list and use string.Replace():

How to Check if a string contains any substring from a list in C#
2/5/2025 9:09:33 AM  262

There are various use cases where you may need to verify whether a string contains any element from a list of substrings.

Find a character in a string in C#
2/5/2025 9:05:19 AM  95

There are several ways to find a character in a string in C#: