How To

How to get the index of an element in C# LINQ
2/12/2025 2:10:04 AM  408

In C#, you can use LINQ to find the index of an element in a list by utilizing the Select method.

How to start, stop and verify if a service exists in C#
2/12/2025 2:08:12 AM  817

To interact with services in C#, you typically use the ServiceController class from the System.ServiceProcess namespace.

Using LINQ to remove elements from a List<T>
2/12/2025 1:49:42 AM  241

In LINQ, you cannot directly remove elements from a List<T> because LINQ itself is designed primarily for querying and transforming data, not for modifying collections.

How to round up in C#
2/12/2025 1:46:08 AM  487

In C#, rounding is typically done using the Math.Round() method.

How to Convert DateTime to Unix Timestamp in C#
2/12/2025 1:44:03 AM  1.3K

In .NET, you can easily convert DateTime object back to a Unix timestamp.

How to Convert an Object to a Byte Array in C#
2/12/2025 1:42:17 AM  2.07K

To convert an object to a byte array in C#, you can use serialization.

How to validate an IP address in C#
2/12/2025 1:32:49 AM  418

In .NET, the System.Net.IPAddress class provides convenient methods for working with IP addresses, specifically Parse() and TryParse().

How to fix 'AngularJs minify Error: [$injector:unpr]'
2/11/2025 7:59:05 AM  311

The [$injector:unpr] error in AngularJS typically occurs when a dependency is missing, misconfigured, or not properly injected into a controller, service, or factory.

How To Implement Toaster In AngularJS
2/11/2025 7:55:42 AM  288

To implement a toaster in AngularJS, you can either use a third-party library.

How to fix 'The transaction log for the database is full due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'
2/11/2025 7:45:04 AM  705

The error "The transaction log for database 'x' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'" in SQL Server usually occurs when the transaction log file grows too large and doesn't have enough space for ongoing transactions.

How to use ROW_NUMBER Function in SQL Server
2/11/2025 7:43:44 AM  342

The ROW_NUMBER() function in SQL Server is used to assign a unique sequential integer to rows within a result set.

How to fix 'CEF can only be initialized once per process'
2/11/2025 4:47:59 AM  1K

The error message "CEF can only be initialized once per process" typically occurs when trying to initialize the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) more than once in the same process.