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How to Create a Digital Clock in C#
7/20/2024 2:35:37 AM 14.84K
To create a digital clock using CircularProgressBar in a C# Windows Forms Application, you'll need to use the CircularProgressBar control from the CircularProgressBar NuGet package.
Read moreHow to Create a Modern UI Login Form in C#
7/20/2024 2:34:21 AM 31.19K
Creating a modern UI login form using Metro Framework in a C# Windows Forms Application involves using Metro controls to achieve a sleek and modern look.
Read moreHow to Create a Metro Splash Screen in C#
7/20/2024 2:34:14 AM 9.59K
To create a Metro splash screen with a Metro progress bar using Metro Framework in a C# Windows Forms Application, you'll need to follow these steps.
Read moreHow to Create a Metro TextBox in C#
7/20/2024 2:34:08 AM 22.63K
To create a Metro TextBox using the Metro Framework (MetroModernUI) in a C# Windows Forms application, follow these steps.
Read moreHow to use Aero Wizard in C#
7/20/2024 2:33:34 AM 10.37K
The Aero Wizard control in C# Windows Forms applications provides an easy way to create wizard-like interfaces where users can navigate through a series of steps.
Read moreHow to use Advanced Filter DataGridView in C#
7/20/2024 2:33:00 AM 24.29K
Filtering a DataGridView by columns in C# using the Advanced DataGridView control involves several steps including setting up the control, handling user input for filtering, and applying filters dynamically.
Read moreHow to Minimize application to system tray in C#
7/20/2024 2:31:24 AM 15.14K
Minimizing an application to the system tray in a C# Windows Forms application involves a few steps.
Read moreHow to Create overlay modal popup in C#
7/20/2024 2:30:58 AM 8K
Creating an overlay modal dialog in a C# Windows Forms Application involves several steps.
Read moreHow to Encrypt and Decrypt plain string using RC4 in C#
7/20/2024 2:30:23 AM 11.15K
Implementing the RC4 algorithm in a C# Windows Forms application involves creating the encryption and decryption functionality using the RC4 cipher.
Read moreHow to Encrypt and Decrypt plain string using ROT13 in C#
7/20/2024 2:29:21 AM 7.95K
Encrypting and decrypting using ROT13 in C# is straightforward due to its simplicity. ROT13 is a simple substitution cipher that replaces each letter with the letter 13 positions after it in the alphabet.
Read moreHow to Encrypt and Decrypt plain string using Triple DES in C#
7/20/2024 2:27:07 AM 28.65K
Encrypting and decrypting using Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) in C# involves several steps.
Read moreWebcam Face Detection for .NET using EMGU.CV in C#
7/20/2024 2:24:10 AM 19.34K
Implementing face detection from a webcam or camera using EMGU.CV in a C# Windows Forms Application involves several steps.
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